Getting Started with Java and Greenfoot


To start the course and Greenfoot from scratch you need install several packages on your computer:

To follow the first week these software’s are necessary. You can fetch them using these 3 steps


Step 1 – install greenfoot + Java

You need the greenfoot environment – which you can get from here -- this will have the java bundled:

Again pick the one matching your operating system.


Step 3 – Download scenario examples

First tutorial - wombat and leafs – look and see

When you download and install the Greenfoot you will get or see the wombat-scenario.  Then open the tutorials at Greenfoots homepage see and follow the tutorials 1.

(for supplementary: Another tutorial associated with the scenario is downloaded together with the Greenfoot. It is located in the Greenfoot folder <Greenfoot>/tutorial/tutorial.html (e.g. in windows at C:/Program Files/Greenfoot/tutorial/tutorial.html) ).

Second tutorial – crab – start programming

Open a new scenario ‘little crab’ i.e. click ‘scenario’ -> ‘open’ -- then switch to the Greenfoot folder and find the little-crab in the scenarios (e.g. C:\Program Files\Greenfoot\scenarios).

Then open the tutorials at Greenfoots homepage
see the tutorials 2-5


Go through tutorial 6



Additional reading:

You can see more tutorial of greenfoot: