Billedresultat for react redux Exercise: React Router part 1 (Basic)

Idea: Introduction to React-Router (BrowserRouter, Route, and Link).
Background: and

In this exercise you have to create a very basic React App with routing.


Step 1 (create the initial React-App and install the react-router-dom lib)
Create a new React App: 'basic' by running 'npx create-react-app basic'

Navigate to your new project directory and install the react-router-dom library locally by running 'npm install --save react-router-dom@5.2.0'.

Verify that your initial project is up and running with: 'npm start'.

Step 2 (Clean the default src-folder)
Delete all files in the src-folder

Step 3 (App.js)

Create a new App.js fil in the src-folder.
Import React from 'react', create a simple App-component and make a default export of the component:

import React from 'react'

const App = () => (

export default App


Step 4 (index.js)

Create a new index.js fil in the src-folder .

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import App from './App';

    <App />
), document.getElementById('root'));

And verify that it still works:

Step 5 (Home.js)
Create a new 'landing page' to the app (Home.js in the src-folder). Add a simple component like:

import React from 'react'

const Home = () => (
    <h1>Welcome to the Landing Page for React-Router Basic!</h1>

export default Home

Step 6 (Page2.js)
Create a second ' page' to the app (Page2.js in the src-folder). Add a simple component like:

import React from 'react'

const Page2 = () => (
    <h1>Page2 for React-Router Basic!</h1>

export default Page2

Step 7 (Update the index.js file)
Import the BrowserRouter component from 'react-router-dom' and wrap it arround the App-component (routing will now be awailable all over in our App).

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
import App from './App';

    <App />
), document.getElementById('root'));

Step 8 (Update the App.js file)
Import the Route Component from 'react-router-dom' and the two components 'Home' and 'Page2'. Insert 2 Routs: path='/' for the Home-component and path='/page2' for the Page2-component:

import React from 'react'
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import Home from './Home'
import Page2 from './Page2'

const App = () => (
    <Route exact path='/' component={Home}/>
    <Route path='/page2' component={Page2}/>

export default App

Notice: The 'exact' keyword. If we omit 'exact' - the 'Home' component will be rendered on both 'pages' (since '/page2' contains '/')

Verify that your Routing is working:

a) Try both: 'localhost.3000' and 'localhost:3000/page2'.
b) What happens if you type: 'localhost:3000/page3' ?
c) Is the Browser history working (<- and ->) ?
d) Test also the 'exact' keywork - try without the keyword!


In Single Page Applications (SPA) we don't use <a href='....> since it causes a brand new page (and clears the state of the App). In React Apps we are using the Link component from 'react-router-dom', it prevents the reload and the loss of the apps state.

Step 9 (Update the App.js file)

Import the Link Component from 'react-router-dom' and add 2 Link-components with links to the 'Home' and 'Page2'

import {RouteLinkfrom 'react-router-dom'

const App = () => (
    <Link to='/'>Home</Link><br></br>
    <Link to='/page2'>Page2</Link>
    <Route exact path='/' component={Home}/>
    <Route path='/page2' component={Page2}/>

Verify that your link is working (notice the url in the Browser)


Route Params (Nesting, useParams() and useRouteMatch())

Route parameter or URL parameter are a wellknown technique for passing values to a page during page-navigation, e.g '/user/1' if we wanted to view information about user #1.
In this exercise will we use Route Params to send a value to a nested page.


Step 10 (Update Page2.js)
Add imports of {Route} from 'react-router-dom', Page3 and Page4 (to be created in step 11-12). Add the following Route-components for routing to Page3 and Page4.

import React from 'react'
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import Page3 from './Page3'
import Page4 from './Page4'

const Page2 = () => (
    <h1>Page2 for React-Router Basic!</h1>
    <Route exact path='/page2' component={Page3}/>
    <Route path='/page2/:id' component={Page4}/>

export default Page2

Notice: Page3 and Page4 are nested (sub) pages to Page2 and '/:id' specify the Route parameter


Step 11 (Page3.js)

Create a new file: Page3.js:

import React from 'react'

const Page3 = () => {
    return (
      <h2>Page3 is a subPage for Page 2!</h2>      
export default Page3


Step 12 (Page4.js)
Create a new file: Page4.js:

import React from 'react'

const Page4 = ({match}) => {
  let id =;
  return (
    <h2>Page 4 is a subpage for Page2!</h2>
    <h4>Id: {id} (passed as route params from Page2)</h4>

  export default Page4

Note: The library passes a Props called match to the component, to access the Route Params 'id' we use: ''.

Verify - that you get something like this:



Refactor (useParams(), useRouteMatch(), Switch, and Link)

Now is time for a little refactoring. We will use the functions useParams() and useRoutMatch() from the libary 'react-router-dom' and the component Switch and Link, also from 'react-router-dom'.

Step 13 (Refactor Page4.js)
Add an import for { useParams } from 'react-router-dom' and refactor Page4 to fetch the id parameter by using the function useParams():

  import React from 'react'
  import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";

  const Page4 = () => {
    let {id} = useParams();
    return (
      <h2>Page 4 is a subpage for Page2!</h2>
      <h4>Id: {id} (passed as route params from Page2)</h4>
  export default Page4


Step 14 (Refactor Page2.js)
Add an import for Switch, Link and useRouteMatch from the 'react-router-dom' library. Refactor Page2 to get the path and url using the function useRouteMatch().
Refactor the Route-components to use path
Wrap a Switch-component around all the Route-components (Switch renders the first child of <Route> or <Redirect> that matches the location).
Add a Link-component to Page4, using url:

import React from 'react'
import {RouteSwitchLinkuseRouteMatchfrom 'react-router-dom'
import Page3 from './Page3'
import Page4 from './Page4'

const Page2 = () => {
  let { pathurl } = useRouteMatch();

  return (
    <h1>Page2 for React-Router Basic!</h1>
    <Link to={`${url}/page4`}>Page4</Link>
        <Route exact path={path} component={Page3}/>
        <Route path={`${path}/:id`} component={Page4}/>

export default Page2

Verify - that you get something like this:

Notice urls and the values passed as params

Congratulation! - Yes Route is nice and simple!

/ Henrik H