Exercise: Angular part 1

Idea: Introduction to Angular.
Background: The Ultimate Angular-cli Reference and Mindspace: Angular 2 Tutorial - Complete Introduction - Angular 2 CLI Setup, ...

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What is Angular?
Angular is a platform that helps you create advanced single-page (SPA) webapplikations in HTML using Typescript (ES5 or Dart).

In this exercise you have to build your first Angular App in 10 steps

Step 1 - Install Angular-CLI
First you have to verify that you have a propper version of Typescript installed:
Open a terninal window an run: tsc -v (current version : 5.0.2 - 24. Marts 2023).

If you have an old version, you can update by running: npm update -g typescript.
If you don't have Typescript installed, you can install with: npm install -g typescript

Then you can install the CLI with the following command: npm install -g @angular/cli

This should install the Angular CLI globally.

Verify that Angular CLI works by running: ng version (current version: v15.2.4 - 24. Marts 2023)

Step 2 - Create a folder to your Angular projects (eg vscode/angular)

Step 3 - Create a new Angular project - MyFirstAngularApp
Open VSCode.
Open your new Angular folder (File -> Open Folder)
Open an integrated terminal window in VSCode (View -> Integrated Terminal)
Create a new project by running: ng new MyFirstAngularApp in the terminal window.

? Would you like to add Angular routing? Type 'N' - we don't need routing yet!
? Whitch stylesheet format would you like to use? Type return (just select 'CSS')

When the creating has completed (this may take a while) you should have something like that:



Do you get an error like: ng : File C:\Users\EASJ\AppData\Roaming\npm\ng.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file
C:\Users\EASJ\AppData\Roaming\npm\ng.ps1 is not digitally signed

Fix: Run: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser then try ng new MyFirstAngularApp again.N

Step 4 - Run the server

Navigate to the new project folder by running: cd MyFirstAngularApp
Verify that the application works by running: ng serve -o

And verify that you get something like this:

Step 5 - Change the text

Open app.component.ts and change the value of 'title' to your name.

Open app.component.html delete all the default code in the file and insert:

<div style="text-align:center">
<h1> Hello {{title}} </h1>

Notice: live update in the browser :)

Stop the Server: Ctrl + c

Step 6 - Create a new component

Create a new component MyImage by running: ng generate component MyImage (or just: ng g c MyImage)

Notice (app.module.ts):
The import of 'MyImageComponent' and the declarations of 'MyImageComponent' in @NgModule, is added automatically
The extension: 'Component' is automatically appended to the name of the component (MyImageComponent).

Step 7
Copy a image/picture of you into the folder: assets

Step 8
Insert your image in the my-image.component.html file, like:

Step 9 (app.component.html)
Add the <app-my-image> tag in the app.component.html file, like:

Step 10
Start the server again by running: ng serve to watch the result. It shoud look something like this:

Congratulation! - Angular is rocking and you have made your very first (and very small) Angular 11 App.

/ Henrik H